Mining Welding

Mining Welding equipment and gerator sets on minesites are subject to strict compliance checks. These checks are to ensure the safety and well being of all the workers who come into contact with the equipment. Recently there has been a crackdown on some machines which have failed to meet the minimum standards. Which results in some contractors, mining welders, maintenance teams & repair crews removed from site until their equipment is back up to scratch.

Mobile Energy Australia – Mining Welding Equipment – Built To Exceed.

Here at MEA, we understand that specific rules, regulations & standards for mobile mining welding equipment vary from state to state. Also the individual standards of the Minesite operators are differ and require anyone bringing mining welding machines onsite to fully understand their particular legislation. However, Mobile Energy Australia is here to help and build the Welder Generator which suits needs while also meeting or exceeding minesite requirements.

“MineSpec It Yourway” In Collaboration with the Manufacturer.

The Smartweld 500 Air & Maxweld 1000 Air have been designed to provide exceptional portable power/air supply in remote locations.
We have designed the units to meet the minimum mining welding requirements of most major Australian Minesite and we are committed to providing bespoke solutions in all environments.
We offer all our Welder Generator customers a tailored experience to verify, design and ensure that the equipment is suitable for duty.

  • We offer a specialised one on one free consultation to determine your requirements.
  • Detailing the collective information needed to certify or obtain certification of the Minesite.
  • Our team will work closely in collaboration during the manufacturing process to “MineSpec It Yourway”.
  • We offer a personal handover, basic training and overview of the equipment features.
  • Documentation, Manuals, Signoffs and can assist with any additional testing or tagging.
  • Ongoing 24/7 national technical phone support.
  • Aftersales support, spareparts and backed by a nationwide service agent support network.